Courtney's Kidz. . . my life, my joy, my happiness. . . stolen.

I thought they were my friends, this young couple. I've known his parents for over twenty years. They wanted to help me raise my two beautiful great grandchildren. The boy was 17 months old and the girl 7 months.

I received the boy when he was 2 months old and the girl when she was just 2 days old. I didn't mind the 2 a.m. feedings when I sat and held this precious wee baby close to my heart. I loved lying down with her brother each night until he gently fell asleep. We were bonded.

I was willing to share the joy of raising these babies. They said they would never separate us. "We'll put a futon in their bedroom just for you". They wrenched the children from me the minute they became the foster parents. They wanted the children to have no contact with me, in an attempt to break the bond. 

I have been fighting in the courts of Arizona since Nov. 2008 to gain custody of my two great grandchildren.   The reluctance of the court to give custody of my great grandchildren to me is fueled by socio-economic gender based racial favoritism of a Caucasian non-relative above me an Afro-American relative. Arizona is known to be a prejudice state as seen by its being the last state to institute the Martin Luther King holiday and the first state to institute a law that profiles illegal aliens. The rights of the mother (my grand daughter) was severed and has resulted in her committing suicide.  We are 150 years into the post slavery era and minorities are still being separated from love ones like animals without feelings for their offspring.